The Best Forex Trading Indicator - Just Look in the Mirror
Friday, February 4, 2011
Everybody seems to want to find out what the best forex trading indicator is? If you have been on popular forex forums such as forex factory, I'm sure that you have seen your fair share of indicators. There's A LOT of them, especially when you consider all the proprietary indicators that people create.
Of course there are also the generic indicators like Stochastics, MACD, etc..... that so many people use. But have you noticed something? It seems like people are more fascinated with indicators than they are with actually trading.
Why do you think that's the case? I think it has to do with the fact that so many traders feel as if using indicators is a way to get out of the actual work of trading. Let me explain.
The way most people use indicators is in a mechanical trading system. So, for example they will trade moving average crosses. It's simple, right? After all, a child could do that. You can power down your brain and only trade when your indicators say so. Is that the way you think most successful people trade? I really doubt it. I'm not trying to make fun of it. I'm just kind of stating the obvious, here.
If you are trading like this, and are experiencing success, then by all means, keep on doing what you're doing. If you are not, then I strongly encourage you to stop searching for the "best" forex trading indicator. I'll give you a clue where it is: Just look in the mirror.....It's YOU.
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