Trade Forex Without Indicators and See What You've Been Missing
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why is it from the moment a new forex trader (I was guilty of this as well) first starts trading the market he/she instantly covers their charts with every possible indicator known to man? It's like a sea of lines and colors. We block the charts so badly that it's hard to even tell what the price of the currency is! Nobody could possibly make sense of all that. The moment somebody learns to trade forex without indicators, is the moment they can say "I understand the market".
When we are first learning to trade, the last thing that we need is clutter, and that's exactly what indicators provide. Instead of congesting the charts with indicators that we don't even understand what they mean, we should be seeing the market at its purest form.
If you follow the forex market without any indicators in your chart long enough, you'll notice something interesting. There are patterns that get repeated over and over again. You just have to know what you're looking for.
The problem that most new traders have is that they have been programmed to believing that they can't read a chart without indicators. They have been told that most traders have to use moving averages, MACD, etc... in order to be successful. Well, most traders who trade forex end up losing money. In fact, it's not even close. The vast majority of the people who start trading forex (95%) will lose money. So if that's the case, why would you want to the same thing that everybody else does?
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